The Buddhist Retreat Centre, just outside Ixopo, situated in KZN, South Africa, is one of those rare oasis’ for the Soul. It was rated by CNN as one of the 10 Best Retreats in the world!
Set in the green rolling foothills of the Drakensberg mountains and renown for it’s peace and serenity, plus amazing vegetarian food and breath-taking views, the BRC is truly a peaceful oasis to nurture and revitalize your spirit.
John Homewood & Michelle McClunan will be facilitating their ANNUAL retreat
at the BRC June 2 – 6 2023
Sacred Union:
Integrate The Divine Masculine And Feminine Energies –
Shift Into Your Authentic True Self

Life changing, mind and spirit invigorating transformative experience, clearing away the old mental cobwebs and inviting the fresh new potential of AWAKENED FLOW into your life.

John Homewood and Michelle McClunan bring their combined thirty-seven years of facilitating experience to this retreat, providing you with a gentle, yet powerful process, that will awaken and nourish you. Relax, recharge, rejuvenate and reawaken through Sacred Presence, Nature and Art. Deepen your spiritual awakening by reuniting with the simple joy of being – open to the flow of creative abundance Re-boot and shift your life to a new level and learn tools and life skills to help navigate the winds of change in a balanced and integrated way.
The retreat will help integrate the Masculine and Feminine energies, combining transformational spiritual teachings of Presence, Awakening and Creative Art Processes. This integration will help you clear blockages that may have prevented you from living a healthy, peaceful and abundant life. All creative experiences are process-driven, as opposed to being outcome-based, so no artistic experience or skill is required. You will leave with a deeper sense of peace; a more focused sense of life purpose and rekindled joy and with greater emotional and spiritual intelligence with practical tools to navigate life’s challenges.
Dissolve your old imprisoned self … and set yourself free now…
All enquiries & bookings: Email: bookings@brcixopo.co.za
Cell phone: 066 395 4682 or 082 579 3037
Clear blockages you carry to:
Abundance, Love, Peace, Fulfillment, the Joy of living
AWAKENING will give you:
Freedom from grief, depression and anxiety
Freedom from need, fear and wanting
Freedom from jealousy and regret
Freedom from lack of self-worth
Freedom from non-forgiveness
Freedom from past pain
Freedom in Presence
Step back, pause, take a deep breath in, exhale…. look around you and see today as a brand new canvas just awaiting your uniqueness to express itself on.
Dissolve your old imprisoned self … and set yourself free now…